Not all Seller Center users can call all API methods.
There are no anonymous API calls. Each API call is performed as a specific Seller Center user (specified by the UserID parameter and signed by a matching API key). The user must have a certain role to be able to call a method, as detailed below:
Role | Methods available |
Seller API Access | All |
Seller API Product Access | GetProducts, ProductCreate, ProductUpdate, ProductRemove, Image, GetBrands, GetCategoryTree, GetCategoryAttributes, GetAttributes, FeedList, FeedOffsetList, FeedCount, FeedStatus, FeedCancel |
Seller API Order Access | GetOrders, GetOrder, GetOrderItems, GetMultipleOrderItems, SetStatusToCanceled, SetStatusToReadyToShip, SetStatustoShipped, SetStatusToFailedDelivered, SetStatusToDelivered, GetFailureReasons, GetShipmentProviders |