Get the order items for a single order.
Differs from GetOrders, which gets the customer details.

OrderIdUnsignedIdentifier of this order as assigned by Seller Center.
CustomerFirstNameStringThe customer's first name.
CustomerLastNameStringThe customer's last name.
OrderNumberUnsignedThe human-readable order number.
PaymentMethodStringThe method of payment.
RemarksStringA human-readable remark.
PriceFloatThe total amount for this order.
GiftOptionBoolean1 if item is a gift, 0 if it is not
GiftMessageStringGift message as specified b the customer.
CreatedAtDateTimeDate and time when the order was placed.
UpdatedAtDateTimeDate and time of last change to the order.
AddressBillingSubsectionNode that contains additional nodes, which make up the billing address: FirstName, LastName, Phone, Phone2, Address1, Address2, City, PostCode, Country
AddressShippingSubsectionNode that contains additional nodes, which make up the shipping address: FirstName, LastName, Phone, Phone2, Address1, Address2, City, PostCode, Country
NationalRegistrationNumberStringRequired in some countries.
ExtraAttributesStringExtra attributes which were passed to Seller Center on getMarketPlaceOrders call.

It is JSON string which client should parse it.
ItemsCountIntegerNumber of items in order.
StatusesArrayUnique statuses of the items in the order. (hint: you can find all of the different status codes in the response example)


Error codeMessage
16E016: "%s" Invalid Order ID