Returns a list of all active shipping providers.
Needed when working with SetStatusToShipped.

The reason for each failure is given inside the following elements of the XML response:

NameStringName of the shipper. This is the string that is needed for SetStatusToShipped.
DefaultBooleanThis shipment provider will be the standard selection for order processing
ApiIntegrationBooleanValue will be 1, if this shipper have an API
CodBooleanThe shipment provider will be available for cash on delivery orders
TrackingCodeValidationRegexStringThe regular expression for validation of tracking code.
Example: /^[a-z0-9]{10}$/i Please check using
TrackingCodeExampleStringThe example of tracking code
TrackingUrlStringShipper's tracking URL.
Placeholder {{{TRACKING_NR}}} can be used for tracking code. Otherwise tracking code should be appended to the end of tracking URL.
EnabledDeliveryOptionsArrayShipment provider's speed eligibility, could be multiple. Possible values are economy, standard and express


No specific errors.
