SetStatusToReadyToShip. For a packed item with a tracking number and its label, changes its status to ready to be shipped.



Remember that this action is not allowed when the ShipmenType is Fulfillment, meaning when Falabella manages the merchant's inventory.

The response fields provided by this API are detailed in the following table:

Field NameTypeDescription
PurchaseOrderIdUnsignedIdentification in Falabella Seller Center
PurchaseOrderNumberStringOrder number in Falabella Seller Center


Error CodeMessageExplanation
20E020: "%s" Invalid Order Item IDInvalid order item ID
21E021: OMS Api Error OccurredAn error occurred in the OMS API
23E023: "%s" Invalid Order Item IDsInvalid order item IDs
24E024: "%s" Invalid Delivery TypeInvalid delivery type
25E025: "%s" Invalid Shipping ProviderInvalid shipping provider
26E026: "%s" Invalid Tracking NumberInvalid tracking number
29E029: Order items must be from the same orderOrder items must be from the same order
31E031: Tracking ID incorrect. Example tracking ID: "%s"The tracking ID is incorrect. Example tracking ID: "%s"
73E073: All order items must have status Pending or Ready To Ship. (%s)All order items must have the status Pending or Ready to Ship. (%s)
63E063: The tracking code %s has already been usedThe tracking code %s has already been used
91E091: You are not allowed to set the shipment provider and tracking number and the delivery type is wrong. Please use send_to_warehouseYou are not allowed to set the shipping provider and tracking number, and the delivery type is incorrect. Please use send_to_warehouse
94E094: Serial numbers specified incorrectlySerial numbers were not specified according to one of the accepted formats for the SerialNumber parameter
95E095: Invalid serial number format (%s)Serial numbers must be between 1 and 26 characters; only Latin letters and digits are allowed
96E096: Duplicate serial number among order items (%s)Two or more order items would share a serial number
119E119: Some order items are not yet ready to be processed, please try again later. (%s).One or more order items are not fully processed by Falabella Seller Center, so they cannot be processed yet
121E121: Invalid Packing IDInvalid packing ID