GetCategoryAttributes. For a specific category, using the PrimaryCategory field, you can obtain the attributes related to this category.

The response fields provided by this API are detailed in the following table:


Important for International Model

For sellers operating under the international model, it is mandatory to include the local language name (NameEn = USA, NameCN = China) in product creation, in addition to the listing name (Name), due to customs import regulations.

NameStringIdentifier of the attribute
LabelStringHuman-readable display name of the attribute
isMandatoryBooleanWhether the attribute is mandatory (1 = mandatory - 0 = not mandatory)
DescriptionStringDescription of the attribute
AttributeTypeStringType of attribute
ExampleValueStringExample value for the attribute
OptionsNodeEnumerates all option nodes


The isMandatory field is IMPORTANT

Remember that it is crucial to fill in the fields designated as "mandatory," as a large percentage of errors in catalog loading are due to the omission of this field.

If an attribute changes from non-mandatory to mandatory, a notification will be sent 90 days in advance via email to the contacts registered by the seller.


Changes to Attributes

Each time an attribute changes, whether due to internal matters or regulatory issues, merchants will be notified in advance.

Regulatory matters: 30 days' notice.

Internal matters: 90 days' notice.


Error CodeMessage
57E057: No attribute sets linked to that category (No hay conjuntos de atributos vinculados a esa categoría).