

This documentation section only applies to international sellers operating under the cross-border sales model.

Differences in Orders

With the eventual shutdown of Linio's Seller API, it will be necessary to integrate your systems with Falabella's Seller API to ensure efficient order management. This change introduces key modifications in query parameters and the removal of certain order actions.

Below are the main differences to consider for adapting your integration:

1️⃣ Differences in Query Parameters


  • Linio uses OrderItemId, while Falabella now uses OrderItemIds.

GetOrder / GetOrders

  • In Linio, PostCode was returned with a value, but in Falabella, it is always empty.
  • Country in Linio was displayed as "Chile" or "Peru", while in Falabella, it is returned as "CL" or "PE".


  • Linio always returns <Imei>, although it has never been found filled, while in Falabella, this attribute is not available.
  • ShopId in Linio is an integer, but in Falabella, it is now a UUID.
  • CodCollectableAmount was empty in Linio, whereas in Falabella, it is now returned as "0".

2️⃣ Actions Removed in Falabella

The following actions are no longer available in Falabella's new API:

  • 🚫 GetOrderComments
  • 🚫 GetPayoutStatus
  • 🚫 SetStatusToDelivered
  • 🚫 SetStatusToShipped
  • 🚫 GetShipmentProviders
  • 🚫 GetStatistics

Order Differences Table (Migration Linio → Falabella)

Impacted EndpointsBeforeNow
GetDocumentLinio used OrderItemId.Falabella now uses OrderItemIds.
GetOrder, GetOrdersPostCode was returned with a value.PostCode is now always empty.
GetOrder, GetOrdersCountry was returned as "Chile" or "Peru".Country is now returned as "CL" or "PE".
GetOrderItemsLinio always returned <Imei> (even if empty).Falabella removed this attribute.
GetOrderItemsShopId was an integer.ShopId is now a UUID.
GetOrderItemsCodCollectableAmount was empty.CodCollectableAmount is now returned as "0".
GetOrderCommentsAllowed retrieving order comments.Removed in Falabella.
GetPayoutStatusAllowed checking the payout status.Removed in Falabella.
SetStatusToDeliveredAllowed marking an order as delivered.Removed in Falabella.
SetStatusToShippedAllowed marking an order as shipped.Removed in Falabella.
GetShipmentProvidersAllowed retrieving shipping providers.Removed in Falabella.
GetStatisticsAllowed retrieving sales statistics.Removed in Falabella.

📌 For more details on order API flows, refer to:
🔗 Order API Flows