GetContentScore. Using the PrimaryCategory (CategoryId) and the country identifier to be queried, this API will provide the category attributes that contribute to the Content Score calculation, the value of that score, and, in some cases, the necessary rules to achieve it.


Content Scores

The total score has a maximum of 100 points. Some rules may add or subtract points. For your product to be automatically approved, it must reach at least 71 points. If it scores between 30 and 70 points, it will undergo a manual review that may take up to 2 business days. Finally, if the score is below 30 points, the product will be automatically rejected.

The response fields provided by this API are detailed in the following table:

RequestIDStringCategory identifier
RulesStringType of rule configured for the attribute
ScoreStringPoints added or subtracted from the content score result
FieldStringAttribute impacted by the rule. The prefix Attributes. is added to its name.
MinStringMinimum value
MaxStringMaximum value


Rule Changes

Rules may change depending on the category.


Error CodeMessageMitigation
18E018: No Rule is set for Given CategoryId : XXXXRetrieve the category ID again using GetCategoryTree