FeedStatus Retrieve detailed information about a specific Feed by filtering with the FeedID.

Feed Details

Retrieve detailed information about a specific Feed by filtering with the FeedID.

Response Fields

FeedStringID of the feed
StatusStringThe status of the feed can be: "Queued," "Processing," "Canceled," "Finished," or "Error"
ActionStringThe type of call that created the feed
SourceStringSource from which the feed was created; for feeds created by API, it will be "api"
TotalRecordsIntegerTotal number of records in the feed
ProcessedRecordsIntegerNumber of records processed successfully in the feed
FailedRecordsIntegerNumber of records that were not processed in the feed
FeedErrorsSubsectionContains all errors that occurred during feed processing
FeedWarningsSubsectionContains all warnings that occurred during feed processing

Feed Errors

Error CodeMessage
12E012: Invalid Feed ID (Invalid feed ID)

Feed Warnings

The following SKUs have been excluded... (The following SKUs have been excluded...)SKU-123